The existence of time relies on an observer to experience and notice changes. Without change, time seems nonexistent. Space is inherently linked to matter, while time depends on change. We perceive time because we can detect changes or continuous movement in external objects.(Dowden,n.d.)In ancient times, before the invention of modern clocks, people perceived time through the sunrise and sunset. Our sense of time passing is also influenced by the changing light in the sky. If nothing exists, then time itself does not exist. Incorporating the concept of sunrise and sunset, I have merged this into my sketch, inviting viewers to feel the passage of time, not in the form of clocks but as an intuitive presence in their minds. When nothing happens (here, the absence of sound), the flow of time is unconscious in its space. It is the existence and occurrence of events that truly create time.On my canvas, there are always three lines maintained, each appearing at ten-second intervals. As the fourth line replaces the first, its traces still linger on the canvas. Through my project, I want to encourage viewers to contemplate the relationship between the past, the future, and the present. If time doesn't exist, then with this approach, I aim to capture the vibrations of sound in space to visualise the traces of the past.